Standards, Uniform and Equipment

Please read the Uniform Standards and Expectations document below BEFORE you purchase uniform. If you are unsure please contact the Academy BEFORE you purchase any new items. Uniform can be purchased from our in-house shop.

Click link below to visit on-line shop.

Part 1- Uniform standards




Blazer Hope Academy blazer with school badge. Blazers should be worn at all times unless permission is given. Hope Academy blazer with school badge. Blazers should be worn at all times unless permission is given.
Jumpers Grey, Hope Academy long sleeved V necked jumper. They should be worn as well as, but not instead of, blazers in the autumn and spring term. Grey, Hope Academy long sleeved V necked jumper. They should be worn as well as, but not instead of, blazers in the autumn and spring term.
Trousers Formal black trousers. They must be black, plain smart trousers. They must not be skinny fit, tight fitting, denim/jean or chino trousers. Formal black trousers must be black, plain smart trousers. They must not be low rise, skinny fit, tight fitting, denim/jean or chino trousers.
Skirt/Pinafore   Hope Academy ‘Holyrood’ school skirt or Pinafore dress. The skirt/Pinafore dress needs to be of knee length.
Shirt Plain white and formal style shirt with a collar (no motifs). Shirts should be tucked in at all times. Plain white and formal style shirt with a collar (no motifs). Shirts should be tucked in at all times.

Year group ties:

Year 7 – Blue with silver logo

Year 8 – Blue with white logo

Year 9 – Blue with gold logo

Year 10 – Blue with turquoise logo

Year 11 – Blue with lime green logo

Prefect ties – Silver

Shoes (Please refer to Standards and Expectations document above)

Lots of shops sell ‘school shoes’ which are not suitable for school. They may even advertise these under ‘back to school’ signs. Please do not follow this as a rule for acceptable shoes, as they may not be permitted as part of our school uniform. Use the guide to ensure that money is not wasted.

• Plain black

• Made from leather which can be polished

• Have a sturdy sole

You are NOT permitted to wear the following style shoes:

• No trainers

• No canvas or suede

• No boots

• No heels

• No logos or tags (No kickers)

• Kickers have logos so these are not permitted

If students arrive to school wearing incorrect footwear they will be asked to change into a pair of acceptable school shoes that we have on site

Socks / Tights Black socks Grey tights or plain GREY (new for 2023/24) knee length socks – no bows allowed
Hijab   Hijabs should be plain black
Sports Kit

PE Top

PE Shorts (Black)

PE Socks (Black)

PE Mid-layer (Black)

PE Top

PE Shorts (Black)

PE Socks (Black)

PE Mid-layer (Black)

Winter Sports Kit  Black jogging pants – No brands or logos

Black jogging pants – No brands/logos

Part 2 Personal Appearance standards

We believe that high standards of personal appearance are key to supporting the academy mission ‘Outstanding in all we do’.  To maintain these high standards we expect students to adhere to the following guidelines:

Nail Varnish/False Nails & Jewellery – should NOT be worn to the Academy.  Nails should be natural and not painted.

Wrist Watch – we encourage students to wear a watch as mobile phones should be switched off and stored in school bags at all times. Further details on this can be found in the mobile phone policy.

Make-up – should not be worn to the Academy. This includes fake tan, false eyelashes and false eyebrows.

Hair Styles – should be practical, clean and suitable for a working environment. Guidance for hair designs that do not fit the academy requirements are:

  • Dyed hair
  • Hair that covers a student’s eyes
  • Shaved hair less than a grade 2
  • Lines shaved into hair
  • Extreme designs such as Mohawks and Top Knots

Students with long hair will be expected to tie their hair back in practical subjects for their own health and safety

Outdoor wear – coats, hats etc should not be worn inside the building.

Schools bags (Please refer to standards document) – School bags should be waterproof and able to carry books that are A4 size. They should have two straps and zip close. Fashion style bags or hand bags are NOT permitted.   Bags should be plain in colouring and design, not display images that go against our core values.

Badges – only Badges supplied by the academy can be worn on the Academy blazer.

Part 3: Supporting students with the uniform and personal appearance standards

The Academy has a stock of clean uniform items, including shoes.  If students arrive to the Academy with incorrect uniform or personal appearance they will be directed to student services and supplied with any necessary items to ensure they are wearing the correct uniform and meeting personal appearance standards.  Failure to comply with our uniform and standards guidelines will result in escalation through the Academy behaviour management process.

Students who arrive to school wearing makeup and/or jewellery will be asked to remove these. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in escalation through the behaviour management process.

We thank parents and guardians for their support in ensuring their child complies with our uniform and personal appearance guidelines.


You child is expected to bring the following equipment to school each day:

Bag, Blue/black pen, Red pen, Pencil, Ruler, Rubber, Maths equipment including calculator.

Stationary is available to buy from year group offices during Inspire time.  Scientific calculators can be purchased from the maths department.