Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

We want all students to achieve the best that they can be

Our aim is to help each and every pupil to develop to their full potential, bearing in mind their individual needs and abilities. We recognise, that all children are different and may have very different needs.

The four broad areas of need are:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory/ Physical Need
  • or a combination of these needs.

The school operates the ‘graduated approach’ to the identification of students with Special Educational Needs and Disability. The subject teachers will use a four step model; Assess, Plan, Do, Review, taking into account the views of the student and their parents. Evidence of individual performance based on learning outcomes will lead to intervention being put in place. If the student requires further additional intervention the SENDCO will observe lessons and give advice. Where necessary, parents and students will be invited to have a consultation with the Educational Psychologist.

In the SEND Faculty, we believe that the relationship between parents and school is essential to ensure our cohort make good progress. We liaise with parents across all stages of their child’s learning journey to guarantee they are well informed of their child’s academic progress and overall wellbeing. Students identified as having Special Educational Needs and/or Disability have Individual Learning Plans including targets set by their teachers for all members of staff to access and plan work accordingly. These are reviewed at least annually and termly for students with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), to ensure students are supported as their needs change and develop. There are Annual Reviews for Students with EHCPs as well as those who receive High Needs Top Up funding. SEND Leaders work with families to ensure they have the support and understanding of their child’s needs enabling them to overcome barriers to learning.

The SENDCO supports Heads of Department to ensure that their curriculum is inclusive and ambitious for all. Each department has an evidence informed approach which allows them to adapt their practice to meet the specific needs of our students. We support teachers to secure high quality teaching, through quality assurance.

Teaching Assistants undertake ongoing professional development training on a weekly basis in order to understand how best to meet the needs of all students. This enables them to respond quickly to meet the needs of a student when required.

All classes which contain students with an EHCP, or funding will be able to access a Teaching Assistant for support, and in some cases more than one Teaching Assistant.  Students requiring a nurture setting will be placed in a teaching group of no more than twelve students with at least one additional adult in the classroom.

In the English and Maths departments there are specialist High Level Teaching Assistants to facilitate and support our learners in addition to Teaching Assistants within the SEND Faculty.  Curriculum in all subjects will be adapted to support the needs of all our learners.  This will enable them to achieve success at their own level and demonstrate independent learning while developing their skill set.

Local Offer

Our Local Offer contains information about how we will support pupils and their parents or carers. Click on the link below to download the latest version of the Hope Academy Local Offer.

For further information please contact:

Mrs E Frodsham


Hope Academy

Ashton Road

Newton-le-Willows WA12 0AQ

01744 671930