At Hope Academy we are very aware about the relationship between good attendance, effective learning, and good academic progress. Research has demonstrated that the higher the attendance of a student, the higher their GCSE grades are at the end of Year 11. Attendance above 95% every year in School equals one grade difference across all GCSE grades and increases the chances of students achieving a grade 4 or higher in English and Maths. We expect all our learners to aim for 100% attendance as we know that learners with high aspiration and attendance go on to achieve better outcomes and live healthier, wealthier, and more enriched lives.

Students with less than 95% attendance are less likely to achieve those important GCSE grades. Additionally, setting high expectations is also useful preparation for each student’s life beyond school and the important skill of reliability which all settings require.
Our attendance target is 97% therefore, if your child attends for at least 95% of one school year they will have had less than 10 day absence.
If your child is absent, you must ring the academy before 8.30am on each day of absence on 01744 671930, detailing the reason for absence. You must also provide a note detailing dates and reason for the absence on your child’s return.
Attendance over ONE school year
If your child has had:
98% attendance | = less than 4 days absent from school |
95% attendance | = less than 10 day absent from school |
90% attendance | = FOUR weeks absent from school |
85% attendance | = FIVE 1/2 weeks absent from school |
80% attendance | = SEVEN 1/2 weeks absent from school |
Attendance over 5 years (Years 7-11)
If your child has had:
85-90% attendance equals having approximately half a year off school!
80% attendance is 38 weeks off school which is equal to ONE whole academic school year missed!
If you child’s absence is causing concern, you will be required to attend a meeting with the Niall Kingston, Attendance Manager and/or the Education Welfare Officer. This will be a supportive meeting, in order to avoid legal sanctions.
The Law:
You are legally responsible for:
- Ensuring your child receives full time education.
- Ensuring that your child attends school regularly.
You can meet your legal responsibilities, and give your child a helping hand, by:
- Ensuring that your child attends school every day.
- Ensuring your child is punctual by leaving home in time to get to school by 8.40 am.
- Supporting and encouraging your child in school by attending parents’ evenings and other events.
- Making appointments for your child to visit the doctor (except in urgent cases), dentist or optician outside of school hours.
- Providing medical evidence for all appointments during school time, ensuring your child attends school prior to and after these appointments.
- Informing school on the first day of absences giving reason for absence and any subsequent days.
Don’t be late….if your child arrives after 8.35am they are late.
A prompt arrival at school will enable your child to start the day in a relaxed, enjoyable manner with participation in Inspire time or collective worship when important notices are given out.
If your child is late for school, they could incur a detention.
We are always happy to support students and families with any issues relating to attendance and punctuality. Please let us know if your child is unhappy at school and we will endeavour to change things for the better where we can. If you have any concerns please contact your child’s pastoral team. Likewise we will contact you if we have any concerns regarding your child.
Requesting leave in Term Time
It may surprise you to learn that parents/carers have no legal right to take children out of school for a family holiday.
From 1st September 2013, legislation changed and our Principal, Mrs Adams can no longer authorise absence for holidays in term time. The Principal can only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. An Application for Leave of Absence form will need to be completed, attaching evidence of exceptional circumstances and returned to Niall Kingston, Attendance Manager. (email:
Mr Adams can decide what an exceptional circumstance is and how many days will be allowed. Unauthorised holidays in term time may trigger a penalty notice being issued. See our attendance policy/flow chart below.
Where children of compulsory school age (5-16) are registered at school, the law says that they should attend regularly (Section 444 of the Education Act 1996). That is unless a child is engaged in an approved educational activity away from the school site or is absent with the school’s authority.
Attendance and Punctuality | |
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Attendance Policy |
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Leave of Absence Form |