Adverse Weather Procedures

Closure Procedures

In the event of adverse weather, the following steps will be undertaken:

  1. The Premises Manager and Principal will visit the Academy site. Following an assessment, a recommendation will be made on whether the Academy should close;
  2. The decision to close the school will be made by the Principal (Chair of Governors and CEO to be informed) at the earliest opportunity;
  3. The Principal / Premises manager will initiate the chain of command covering:
  • Arrange for a notification to be placed on the Academy’s website, Twitter and Facebook;
  • Inform parents via Class Charts;
  • Inform staff via texting service;
  • Inform School Transport;
  • Inform the LA of the closure

4. Remote Learning will be available for students. Details will be provided through Class Charts

Decisions to re-open the school will be made by 3pm each day following daily site inspections by the Premises Manager and Principal. If a decision is made that the school remains closed, updates will be provided on the Academy’s answering service, website, Class Charts, by text (staff), Facebook & Twitter.

In the event school closes during the school day due to severe weather

In the event the school needs to close early due to adverse weather, the following steps will be taken:

  1. The Principal will assess the situation and make a decision on whether the academy must close early
  2. The Chair of Governors and CEO will be made aware of the decision to close the academy
  3. Parents will be informed that students will be arriving home early via Class Charts
  4. Students will leave the academy via their usual means. If buses are affected, students will remain onsite until they can be collected by parents/carers, unless you inform otherwise.
  5. The Principal and Premises Manager will visit the site the following morning and follow the above procedures.
  6. Remote learning will be available the following day if the academy remains closed.