Welcome to
Hope Academy

Welcome to
Hope Academy

Welcome to
Hope Academy


Hope Academy is an 11-16 Christian Academy which stands at the centre of our local community. Serving the Archdiocese and Diocese of Liverpool, we are inspired by Jesus’ example of servant leadership. Therefore, at Hope Academy we follow in the footsteps of Christ in everything that we do. Our mission is to deliver high quality education by working together to inspire excellence guided by Christian values. As a Christian Academy, we consider the spiritual and social development of our young people to be as important as their academic success. Jesus asked us to love one another as he loved us, so we ensure that we celebrate and develop the uniqueness of every individual. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we live by our core values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope. These values ensure that – as a community – we care for ourselves and one another.

Our team of teachers and support staff are dedicated to making a difference to the lives of our students by ‘serving one another through love’ and we do this by offering a wide, varied and challenging curriculum throughout all key stages. Our students engage with a range of extra- curricular activities in order to develop their wider passions and enhance their Academy life. We believe that all our students have something wonderful to offer and we work passionately to nurture these talents, making sure that all members of our Hope Community have the opportunity to live our vision of serving others through love.


% standard pass English 2024


% strong pass English 2024


% standard pass Mathematics 2024


% standard pass English & Mathematics 2024


% strong pass Mathematics 2024

